About Us
Leveraging technology to invite all people to know Jesus Christ
Who We Are
Reaching Everyone, Everywhere, Every Day.
Gospel Impartation Outreach is a faith-based organization that focuses on producing unadulterated bible content both video and text for social media publications.
Gospel Impartation Outreach produces short video content and religious articles to propagate the salvation message of Jesus Christ on various media platforms. Our contents seek to lead lost souls to Christ, correct the erring brethren, to encourage steadfast brethren, and inspire hope for the discouraged.
We are obliged to preach the gospel of Christ Jesus to all persons for eternal salvation as commanded by the Bible.
15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Mark 16:15-16).
what we seek to achieve.
- To produce short video/text gospel content for online publication for easy viewing/reading and sharing.
- To teach and preach the word of God in truth, love, and courage.
- To persuade, correct, and warn sinners to repent from their sins and guide them to walk with Christ for eternal salvation,